The fishery management prefers you not to bring a dog, but at the same time recognises it can be unavoidable.
If you decide to bring a dog you must agree to follow the five bullet points below.
· Keep dog on a lead 24-hours a day. Lead must be held or fixed to something solid.
· When rods are out, keep dog within confines of the swim.
· Remove dog mess immediately.
· Prevent any aggressive barking.
· Accept liability for any damage or injury to wildlife by your dog.
(Please note that the fishery owners have a dog, and they let her off lead around the lakes most days. Apologies in advance if this seems like a bit of a contradiction of the rules!)
The fishery management team has been instructed to ask anglers to leave the fishery if your dog is out of control at any point during your stay. The fishery management hopes to never ask anyone to leave, so please think carefully before bringing a dog.
Permission to bring a dog is via email only. Please use the form below.
We will respond with your permission email. That must be shown to fishery management on arrival. The fishery management team has been instructed to refuse entry to anglers who bring dogs without permission.