1. The fishery provides landing nets, water buckets, unhooking mats and weigh slings. Under no circumstances bring any of these items onto the fishery.
2. The otter gate must be closed immediately behind you at all times.
3. Lock the car park gate immediately after entry/exit. Under no circumstances let any other car or people through gate at any time.
4. No entry/exit from fishery between 5pm – 9am (or hour before dusk– 9am winter), except in an emergency. Sessions start at 1pm, do not drive down track before 12.40pm.
5. Only boilies and carp pellets are permitted to be used as bait. Boilies can include shelf life, freezer bait, pop-ups and wafters
6. Sweetcorn is also permitted, but limited to one 400g tin. Additionally, between 1st November and 15th March limited use of maggots (two pint maximum) and worms (250g maximum) is permitted. Limits are per session.
7. Do not bring non-permitted items as bait onto the fishery. For example…No particles, nuts, bread, live bait, dead fish, lures, non-carp (animal feed) pellets or pet food.
8. No artificial baits or imitation baits (e.g foam, plastic, cork)
9. No floating loose feed. Floating hook baits permitted.
10. Strict two rod limit, without exception. Minimum test curve 2lb
11. Minimum line strength 12lb. No braided mainline on baited rods.
12. Microbarbed hooks only. No barbless hooks.
13. No leadcore or leaders of any description. No magic twigs.
14. Leads, feeders or controller floats must be able to detach from line under light pressure.
15. Baitboats allowed.
16. Do not retain carp for more than 20-minutes. Fish must be held low (no standing up) over a mat/cradle for photographs.
17. On the Back and Front Lake no casting over half way regardless of how busy the lake is (to prevent carp cutting line by kiting around islands).
18. No rods left unattended.
19. In the unlikely event of seeing a dead or unwell carp call fishery management immediately.
20. Inform fishery management of any snagged tackle or fish. Do not pull for a break. If possible, we will assist immediately.
21. Alcohol permitted, in moderation.
22. Take all litter home.
23. Do not damage marginal plants or trees.
24. Music/radios/phones must not be audible by other anglers. Bivvy lighting must be dim and not visible from opposite banks.
25. Set up bivvy so wheelbarrow can pass. Do not bivvy up on the grass without permission.
26. BBQs must be raised minimum 1ft off ground. No fires.
27. One guest permitted, strictly your wife/partner or child only. Click here for guest booking.
28. Dogs by prior arrangement. Click here for dog permission.